As a member you are warmly welcome to participate TAKU’s autumn meeting on 15th Nov. As a member it is also possible to stand for the election of TAKU’s board.
Cut the cuts! is a wake-up call on behalf of the arts and culture. It comprises a Great Culture Petition open from Oct 1 to Dec 4 and a demonstration on Dec 5, when the signed Petition will be delivered to the Finnish Government.
TAKU will choose the year’s foremost arts and culture expert and action for the Work Life Awards. Who or what do you consider to be the most distinguished person or an action in the industry 2024? Send us your suggestion!
Useful webinars coming up for anyone who wishes to work in Finland or already works here, but wants to learn more about Finnish job market or unemployment benefits.
TAKU warmly invites practitioners from the Cultural and Creative Sectors to apply for the Baltic CreativeGPS training program, which will take place in autumn 2024. Application period is 15/08–15/09. Learn more and apply now!