Trade Union for Art and Culture Professionals TAKU advocates for a better working life!

Our mission is to develop working life in art and culture, make the fields more appreciated, and advocate for the good of the sector. We support our members at all stages of their working lives, provide services and bring experts together.

TAKU pisaroita

Most recent TAKU news


february, 2025

17feb14:0018:00Työnhaun työpaja opiskelijoille

25feb16:0018:30After work: Etänä ja läsnä – puolesta ja vastaan?Akavan Erityisalat kouluttaa

26feb08:3009:30Kulttuurikahvit: Ympäristövastuu luovilla aloillaEkologinen kestävyysmurros etenee


County and municipal election in Finland 2025

Year 2025 is the election year of county and municipal elections in Finland. You are welcome to learn more about its meaning and your own rights.

Leisure accident and passenger insurance will be transferred to LähiTapiola on Jan 1, 2025

Learn about the contents of the insurance.


Career stories

Get to know TAKU members!

Take part in TAKU’s membership survey

Participate in TAKU’s membership survey and help us to improve our services, communications and advocacy. Answer now so you won’t forget it!

New salary recommendations and terms of employment in the art and culture sector

Cultural producers working in the private sector and those who have completed a master’s or bachelor’s degree in history, literature or cultural subjects can apply our salary recommendations. Updated employment terms for art and culture sector are also available. New recommendations are valid from May 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025.

Member services and benefits

TAKU provides support and professional counselling for its’ members in different situations – but also numerous member benefits, most of which are available to you as soon as you join.

Specialist in the art and culture sector: are you being paid at least the minimum TAKU-recommended salary?

See the TAKU’s salary recommendations for cultural producers (with degrees from a university of applied sciences) and holders of master’s and bachelor’s degrees in arts, history, literature and cultural subjects.

Recommendations and Guides

Check the art and culture sector minimum salary recommendations, employment term guides and other work contract related materials.

Employment contract checklist

An employment contract may be made orally, electronically or manually. A written employment contract is always recommended to prevent disputes later on.

Your current work situation