We support fair working conditions!

Kuusi pisaraa

Recommendations and Guides

On this page, you’ll find the art and culture sector employment term guide and other work contract related materials published by TAKU and Akava Special Branches.

The minimum salary recommendations for art and culture sector are available only on TAKU's member pages. (You can find the password from the latest news letter.)

Other Recommendations and Guides

The ABC of a Good Internship - a Guide to Internships in Cultural Production

This guide helps both a student and an organization to agree on fair internships. Templates for internship and employment contracts are appended to the guide.

Agreement for art services and workshops:

Agreement form

Guidelines for making an employment contract

Read the employment contract checklist

Guidelines for pricing visual artists' work

Guide created based on a joint survey of paid compensation carried out by of the Artists’ Association of Finland and TAKU.

Support for discussing salaries:

YTN guide: Improve Your Salary

Guides from Akava Special Branches:

Minimum salary recommendations

Employment terms

Employment relations:

YTN Guide: Employment Relationship Guide