Agile operations from grass roots to umbrella level.
Organizational structure
Art and Culture Professionals’ Trade Union TAKU is a member of Akava Special Branches, which is a member of Akava.
TAKU annual general meeting
The highest decision-making body in TAKU is the annual general meeting (AGM), which convenes twice a year and is open to all members. An AGM is held in the spring and autumn. The meeting invitation is sent by email, and information about the AGM is also provided in the member newsletter and on the TAKU website.
TAKU board
Members elect a board for a two-year term at the autumn AGM. The board consists of a chairperson, eight full members and four deputy members, as well as a student representative. The aim is for the board to represent the membership of TAKU as widely as possible. Get to know the board members.
TAKU annual report and annual plan
The following documents (in Finnish) allow you to get to know TAKU operations and plans for this year:
Working party and other positions of trust
The TAKU working party (chairperson, vice chairperson and executive director) prepare matters for board meetings. The board can also appoint other committees or working groups (such as advocacy, communications, member services and student working groups).
The holders of positions of trust, in turn, report to the TAKU board on the matters decided and discussed in committees and working groups.
TAKU representation in Akava Special Branches’ committees in 2021–22
Akava Special Branches’ committees are responsible for preparing and developing labour market advocacy matters on a sector-by-sector basis. Here, TAKU is strongly represented.
Entrepreneurs’ and self-employed members’ committee:
Merja Isotalo, deputy member Marja Kolu
Outi Järvinen, deputy member Elina Julin
Municipal sector committee:
Henna Karhapää, deputy member Gurmann Saini
Jorma Rihto, deputy member Antti Kauppinen
Private sector committee:
Piia Lääveri, deputy member Chia Koskinen
Mirja-Riitta Sjöholm, deputy member Rosa Frauenknecht
State sector committee:
Helen Metsä, deputy member Salla Mistola
Higher education sector committee:
Rosa Frauenknecht
Kersti Tainio
Student committee:
Anni Hurme, deputy member Gurmann Saini
You can see full lists of committee members on the Akava Special Branches website.