Salary data for arts and culture professionals.

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Salary data for arts and culture professionals

What is the salary level of arts and culture professionals? Are the differences between different sectors big? What does the industry's salary development look like? You can find answers on this page.

TAKU has collected information to promote the development of the sectors’ salaries in Finland, but the database also works as a support for salary negotiations in the field. The information is based on a survey that TAKU addressed to its members in the fall of 2022 (n= 752, response rate 23%). The survey is to be renewed approximately every 3-4 years.

On this page:

If you are TAKU's member you can find more salary data and get to know TAKU's minimum salary recommendations on member pages.

Do you need salary advice? If you are our member, contact:

The median salary in the arts and culture industry

The median monthly salary of high educated professionals in the field of art and culture working full-time is 3075 euros which is below the corresponding median for other sectors (data from other industries: Tilastokeskus 2023). A more detailed comparison is below:

The median salary is usually higher for older people, those who have worked longer, those in a responsible position and those who work for larger employers. Young people, who have been in the industry for a short time, those in fixed-term employment, those who work in municipalities and municipal associations, as well as employees and white-collar workers, fall below the average level when measured by the median salary.

If the median monthly salary also includes those who work part-time or who work on a so called 0-hour contract, the median monthly salary of highly educated experts in the field of art and culture is 2,957 euros.

The employer sector determines the wage level

Palkkataso vaihtelee eri työnantajasektoreiden välillä. Mediaanipalkka on korkeampi valtiolla ja The salary level varies between different employer sectors. The median salary is higher if working in the state or foundations are concerned, while in municipalities and municipal associations the salary level remains below the average.

Job description and position affect the salary

Job description and position at work affect the salary, which increases with responsibility. In customer work, communication and marketing and other office tasks, the salary is clearly below the average level. On the other hand, in front-line work and management positions, the median salary is significantly higher than the average level - and the working careers are often already longer. Also in consulting and teaching/training tasks, you rise above the average level.

The survey addressed at TAKU members was conducted in September 2022. 752 TAKU’s members responded to the survey which gained a response rate of 23%. The survey can be considered very representative of the entire membership. TAKU was responsible for designing the survey and collecting data and Infontain was responsible for analyzing the results.

Salary Counselling

We provide personal salary consultation to our members by phone and email:

You can find the minimum salary recommendations for arts and culture sector (culture producers, Ph) on TAKU's member page. If you've forgotten the password, send us an email.

There can be great variation among people with the same title depending on their employers’ sector, location and the employee’s work experience. However, you can use these data as a basis for your own salary expectations.