TAKUtuki prize 2024 has been awarded to two final theses done by TAKU’s student members. Criteria for the selection was, among other things, the originality of the topic and its significance for the field of art, culture and events.

We received a total of 36 applications from students graduating during the academic year 2023–2024. The applicants represented widely different educational institutions and degree programs of the art and culture sector, e.g., cultural management, literature research, theatre research, visual arts, art education and different fields of cultural studies.

The topics were diverse and up-to-date. Attention was particularly drawn to the practicality of the research topics and the connection to current themes and questions. Many of the topics reflected the cultural and political environment of the time. Themes deal with e.g., questions related to city festivals, minority issues and the themes of leadership and the relevance of art and cultural production.

The jury thanks all applicants for the meritorious applications and wishes warm congratulations to all TAKU’s student members graduating this academic year!

The panel of experts consisting of TAKU’s board members, decided to award (1,000 € each) following TAKU members:

Paula Honkimäki
Naisjohtajuus teatterissa: feministiseen näkökulmaan pohjautuva diskurssianalyyttinen tarkastelu teatterin johtamisesta.

Master of Business Administration (MA, polytechnic), Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.

Silja Kumpulainen
Intuition muotokieli - Feminiininen surrealismi ja naisen metamorfoosi objektista subjektiksi.

Bachelor of Visual Arts (BA polytechnic), LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu.

Read more about TAKUtuki prize and get to know the awarded projects from previous years.