Cut the cuts! Sakset seis! Wake up call on behalf of arts and culture

Cut the cuts! is a wake-up call from artists and the public at large on behalf of the arts and culture. It comprises a Great Culture Petition and a demonstration, when the signed Petition will be delivered to the Finnish Government.

The Finnish Government is proposing unprecedented cuts in the funding for Finnish culture. The cuts are disproportionate and short-sighted and will strike at the very foundations and framework of Finnish cultural life.

The cuts will not result in savings; rather, they will mean greater unemployment and will prevent countless Finns from having access to culture and enjoying and benefitting from its riches. Independent Finland cannot exist without a culture of its own. Access to the arts and culture is a fundamental right.

We demand that the cuts be revoked.

Sign now the Great Petition for Culture

The Great Culture Petition is open from October 1 to December 4.

The signed Petition will be delivered to the Finnish Government December 5 when there will be a demonstration. We will publish more information how everyone can take part straight when it is possible, you are warmly welcome to join us!

Sign the Petition here: Sakset seis! Suuri kulttuuriadressi -

Social media: #SaksetSeis #SuuriKulttuuriadressi