TAKU and Global Art Point organize an online dialogue on inappropriate behavior in the Finnish arts and cultural sector.

You are warmly welcome to join this dialogue on work-related harassment and inappropriate behavior in Zoom on 17th March. The aim is to provide information on how to identify maltreatment, what to do in such cases and who to turn for support.

The event will serve a platform for thought exchanges about the challenges of addressing misconducts and the special questions of the arts and cultural sector in this context. The discussion will reach organizational and personal levels of the topic.

Guest speakers:

Hanna Fontana - HR Manager of the National Opera and Ballet in Finland

Sari Karttunen - Specialist Researcher at Cupore - The Finnish Foundation for Cultural Policy Research Center and Team Leader of the research group Socially Responsible Arts Institutions and Artists (ArtsEqual)

Sikke Leinikki - Lecturer on work community development, at Humak University of Applied Sciences and co-creator of 'Häiritsevä palaute' (Inappropriate feedback) project.

Scheduled program:
 Introducing the organisers & upcoming research
14.45-15.15 Introduction and statements from the guest speakers
15.15-16.00 Panel discussion / Q&A

The event's panel discussion is moderated by Julian Owusu (Regional Artist, Arts Promotion Centre Finland).

Click here to register and get the Zoom-link >

Remember to register by 12:00 at 16th March.

The event facilitates conversation between participants, but it cannot provide personal advising on legal matters or mental health. However, to support individual guidance, all participants will be sent a PDF leaflet with relevant information and contact details after the event.

The event is organised in collaboration with TAKU and Globe Art Point. The dialogue was initiated in relation to the survey of Meri Jaakola (Master's student in Arts Management at the University of the Arts Helsinki) who has been commissioned by TAKU.

The language of the event is English.

Reclaiming boundaries

For more information or inquiries:

Vilja Byström, TAKU
+358 40 561 8967

Jaana Simula, Globe Art Point
+358 40 545 5859

Download here Info Sheet (pdf) including information such as:

  • Definitions
    • What is harassment?
    • What is inappropriate behaviour?
    • What is not harassment or inappropriate behaviour?
  • Legislations (to protect)
  • Guides (to learn)
  • Articles (to navigate)
  • Course/training (to assert)
  • Contacts (to help)

This Info Sheet was produced by the Trade Union for Art and Culture Professionals TAKU and Globe Art Point for Reclaiming Boundaries: an online dialogue on on work-related harassment and inappropriate behavior in the Finnish arts and cultural sector in 2021.