
Going through a break in your working life? Are you between jobs or have you just graduated? TAKU members’ security is guaranteed even when they are unemployed, and we help them move forwards.

You should prepare for unemployment by joining a trade union and unemployment fund in good time. If you are laid off or dismissed, or if work decreases significantly, you are entitled to earnings-related unemployment security and other benefits — and you have a network of professionals in your own sector by your side.

The Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees ERKO provides employed TAKU members with unemployment security services. Membership of ERKO is included in the union membership fee. Also, get to know practical guide to unemployment fund’s benefits (produced by TYJ). Members who are business owners are served by the entrepreneurs’ unemployment fund Yrittäjäkassa (Unemployment Fund for Finnish Entrepreneurs).

Remember to take advantage of our free member training, which support your job search and working life skills. Our free career training also offers support for members’ job search, identifying their own skills, and career planning. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us: we help our members in all employment matters!



What should I do if I lose my job?

  1. Register with TE Services as a jobseeker immediately.
  2. Send an unemployment benefit application via the ERKO website within 2 weeks.
  3. ERKO will ask further questions, if necessary, and process your unemployment benefit application as quickly as possible.
  4. Update your status to unemployed on the Akava Special Branches website.

What should I do if I am laid off?

  1. Register with TE services on the first day you are not working.
  2. Apply for unemployment benefit via the ERKO website within two weeks.
  3. Make further applications in accordance with your earlier salary period.
  4. Wait for ERKO to ask for possible further information.

Further information

TAKU pisarakuosi

Enough is enough. Statement of the Culture and Event Industry.

In the cultural and event sector, corona restrictions have hit harder than in other sectors, as the majority of the its activities are based on the audience economy. Here is the statement of 171 operators.

Your current work situation